blue and white floral textile
blue and white floral textile
blue and white floral textile
blue and white floral textile

Our Curriculum Aim

At Little Gem’s pre-school our curriculum is centred around the individual child. We focus on children’s interests and curiosity within the setting and their home environment. Our free flow surroundings provide opportunities for own learning and the freedom to make choices. Practitioners assist to children’s learning by creating new experiences and extending play possibilities. Whilst observing, engaging and supporting children to reach their full potential.

Each week practitioners focus on an area of learning linking to the EYFS. We choose an intent from Development Matters, non-statutory guidance for the early years foundation stage. This is ambitious and designed to capture the imagination of each child and to build on their knowledge and skills.
Once an intent has been selected, practitioners share their ideas with one another, discussing individuals who may share the same interests and benefit from particular areas of learning.
Practitioners focus on their key children’s interests, ready to put their intentions into action. Resources are carefully selected, and available for all children to explore. Interaction is key, listening, engaging and extending learning opportunities in a range of ways to meet individual needs. Activities are implemented throughout the week, giving children the opportunity to take the lead in their play. Practitioners plan and provide suitable challenging activities and respond to specific needs.
At the end of the week practitioners evaluate the impact of outcomes children have achieved as a result of the opportunities they have been offered. Practitioners review what they have implemented to make a difference and close the gap in each child’s learning and development.

Prime areas of learning
* Communication and language
* Personal, Social and Emotional Development
* Physical Development

Specific areas of learning
* Literacy
* Mathematics
* Understanding the World
* Expressive Arts and Design

We observe and document evidence of interactions. E.g. photos in learning journal and around our setting.
With regards to monitoring each child’s development – we follow Development Matters which enables us to look closely at learning and development. This will help us flag any concerns and put strategies in place where needed.
This includes: Birth to Three, Three and Four Year Olds and Children In Reception.

Key person will complete a baseline assessment once the child has settled in. This is completed in partnership with parents/carers.
Key person will complete 2 year progress check. This is a statutory requirement and will be shared with parents/carers and outside professionals with consent given.
Key person will complete a transition passport the term before each child goes to school. Information shared with parents/carers and new setting with consent given.

Cultural Capital in EYFS

“The essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success”
The Early Years Inspection Handbook

Cultural capital is all about providing children with experiences and opportunities to help them progress and achieve success. By creative a rich and varied curriculum that offers diverse, engaging, activities, all children can be supported to reach their potential.

When children start in a setting, they already have a variety of different experiences. Cultural capital is about celebrating and building on these early experiences and providing other new opportunities to be curious, explore, try new things and experience awe and wonder.

How we cover Cultural Capital in EYFS

This is unique for every child.
By using our own observation and knowledge of your children,
we can work out the opportunities that would be of the most benefit for them.

Exploring new musical instruments, music songs from different cultures.
Creating a role play activity based on a new experience.
Looking at seasonal changes or the weather.
Being active outdoors or playing a new game.
Sharing news and activities that they do with friends or family.
Writing a letter together.
Exploring a range of natural materials to promote awe and wonder.

blue and white floral textile
blue and white floral textile
blue and white floral textile
blue and white floral textile